Installing DayZ
DayZ is an nice little mod for the game Arma 2.
You may have heard about DayZ and you want to try it our for yourself.
Installing it can be easy for some but hard for others. Don’t fret, Gaugin is here.
For starters, you’ll need Arma 2 Combined Operations (Arma 2 and the standalone expansion pack,Operation Arrowhead).
Note: You don’t have to buy Arma 2, you can use the free version without any serious issues. The biggest difference is the textures. (In steam, the “Demo” is the free version).
I do recommend trying out Arma 2 before you buy Operation Arrowhead to see if this is your kind of game. Also, get used to the control bindings.
If you’re planning on buying Operation Arrowhead on steam, I recommend you using the steam version of Arma 2 free, to avoid any problems. NOTE: Steam has now removed removed the link for the free version of ARMA 2. If you have steam installed, you can use this LINK
There are different ways of installing DayZ, but this is the method I use and I found it to be the most efficent.
Install and launch both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead. Once you get to the menu, you can close out. Remember, do this on both of them.
Now, go ahead and download this neat application called DayZ Commander. Once you have that installed and ready to go, go ahead and go over to the Settings tab. In here, you're gonna make sure that the link to all of the folders are correct! The DayZ folder should be listed as below, @DayZ inside of the ArmA 2: OA folder. If it doesn't exist, go ahead and create it yourself!
If you’re planning on buying Operation Arrowhead on steam, I recommend you using the steam version of Arma 2 free, to avoid any problems. NOTE: Steam has now removed removed the link for the free version of ARMA 2. If you have steam installed, you can use this LINK
There are different ways of installing DayZ, but this is the method I use and I found it to be the most efficent.
Install and launch both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead. Once you get to the menu, you can close out. Remember, do this on both of them.
Now, go ahead and download this neat application called DayZ Commander. Once you have that installed and ready to go, go ahead and go over to the Settings tab. In here, you're gonna make sure that the link to all of the folders are correct! The DayZ folder should be listed as below, @DayZ inside of the ArmA 2: OA folder. If it doesn't exist, go ahead and create it yourself!
This is where most people are having issues, make sure the link to the ArmA 2 folder is correct, you may have to select "Override" and enter the correct location.
If you want to play the game through steam, go ahead and select the two steam-related boxes! the rest of the settings are totally optional and pretty self-explanatory. Now, go to the Install/update tab. If you're getting error messages, restart the application and go the tab again. If you're still having issues, go ahead and contact me!
Since I already have the latest version, I can't do this myself but go ahead and click on the install button next to both ArmA 2 and DayZ. You're now installing DayZ. Go ahead and install any additional maps if you want to! Install any necessary DayZCommander updates, if they're available. Once DayZ and any updates are installed, you're ready to survive the zombie apocalypse. Just use the server-search function in DayZCommander and hop in on a server that you see fit!
Thanks for reading this review, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask in the comment section!
Thanks for reading this review, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask in the comment section!